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The information contained on this web site is purely for educational purposes. We encourage all our customers to seek professional advice from their veterinary practitioner or preferred Health Care Practitioners prior to use.

Dosage (guide only) for an average size horse of 450 kilos.

Some herbs may swab and it is the responsibility of the individual purchaser to seek advice from whichever association they are involved with.



Brewers Yeast is natural Vitamin B complex.  It contains B1, necessary for the health of the nervous and digestive systems.  B2, for the eyes, lips and mouth.  B3, for balance of the adrenal gland.  B5, resisting disease.  B6, nervous system, appetite, digestion, liver, red blood cells and resisting infection.  B12, lethargy and anaemia as well as containing phosphorous also contains iron, potassium, calcium, chromium and selenium.

Dosage: 2 tablespoons daily


Burdock is used primarily in the treatment of skin conditions e.g. sores, boils, dry scurf.  It is also useful in the treatment of arthritis.

Dosage:  1 teaspoon – once or twice daily


Calendula is one of the most well known herbs in treating cuts, wounds and abrasions.  It is anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal & anti-bacterial.

Dosage: Professional advice should be sought.



Celery is a good cleansing, mildly diuretic herb, useful in ridding the system of an accumulation of waste products.  Other uses are to treat arthritic and rheumatic conditions.  Celery can also improve the circulation of fluids and encourages a horse to drink and sweat more easily.

Dosage:  one good handful made into a tea and use the whole lot to dampen down the feed..



Organic Chamomile can be used as a general tonic, a relaxing or calming herb that is also beneficial in helping arthritis, allergic reactions, the digestive system.  Chamomile is rich in calcium and supports the body’s skeletal structure through its calcium phosphate content.  It is also used in the treatment of oesteo-arthritis and noted for being an ulcer-protective, through its healing effect on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.   It may be used externally as a wash to help soothe itchy skin.    Chamomile, along with Garlic, Rosehips and Seaweed can be added to the feed daily to help maintain your horse in optimum health.

Dosage: ½-1 cup daily.

Some herbs may swab.



Chaste Tree Berry is primarily used for mares that show discomfort, erratic or simply bad and sometimes dangerous behaviour, perhaps as a result of hormonal imbalances.  It can be used on its own or with other herbs eg. Chamomile.

Dosage:  10gms per day in the feed.



Some of the benefits that have been documented are: improvement of the Immune System, reducing joint inflammation, having a calming effect on horses and also being beneficial for weight gain.  Also noted is its capacity to improve healthy strong hoof growth, skin and coat condition. Chia is one of the highest plant sources of Omega 3, also containing Omega 6, is high in Calcium and Magnesium along with Iron, Potassium, Vit C,A,B12 and many Amino Acids.

Dosage  50-100gm once a day.



Clivers is useful in helping reduce enlarged lymph glands and it is used routinely for equine urinary infections and for reducing fluidy swellings in horses such as windgalls and filled legs. Clivers can also be used to support the horse’s lymphatic system and to improve the quality of the hoof.

Dosage:  2 tablespoons daily.


Comfrey is used primarily for healing bones, cartilage and soft connective tissue. Also useful for ulcers, colic, and respiratory conditions.

Dosage:  half a cup added to the feed up to three times a day.



Dandelion is used widely as a liver cleanser and tonic, improves the metabolism, balances digestion and is also a tonic for the spleen, bladder and kidneys.  High in Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium and Calcium, Dandelion is very useful as a natural electrolyte.

Dosage: 1-2 tablespoons daily.



Devils Claw is regarded as the herbal alternative to ‘bute’ and is well known for its ability to provide fast, reliable and powerful pain relief as well as having anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic benefits.  It can be used safely as a substitute to ‘bute’ and cortisone without side effects such as gastric ulceration.  Devils Claw is often used in the healing of degenerative bone disease, developmental orthopedic disease, tendon and ligament damage, navicular and joint injury.  Devils Claw also has the ability to support liver function and to cleanse deep into tissue and muscle walls.  It is know to have sedative properties and also stimulates digestion.  Do not feed to pregnant mares.

Dosage:  1 tablespoon once/twice daily when required.  May be doubled in acute cases. Do not feed to pregnant mares.  If fed in high doses or over a long period of time, the herb Marshmallow may be added to the diet.

Some herbs may swab.


Echinacea is extremely useful as a fighter of bacterial and viral infection and is widely used as a disease preventative and immune system booster.  The combination of Echinacea and Garlic is unbeatable when fighting against virtually all of today’s antibiotic resistant infections.   It is very useful in treating viral infections, along with colds, flu, respiratory and skin conditions.

Dosage:  20gms 1-3 times daily when required.  Feed for 3-4 weeks, then off for one week.


EPH Allergy is a blend of Burdock, Clivers, Nettles, Peppermint, Brewers Yeast, Rosehips and Echinacea. Boosting the immune system can sometimes be half the battle won. That along with cleansing the blood, eliminating toxins and alleviating fevers,
Supporting the adrenal glands & nervous system and utilizing anti histamines & antioxidant properties all help to reduce allergic reactions. Keeping your horse clean and cool, and adding Colloidal Silver to the diet will also help in the fight against over reacting to allergens.

Dosage: 75gms twice daily then 75gm daily for prevention.


This is a unique blend of supplements to help horses experiencing pain and some soundness issues, gain quick relief and comfort. The combination of Devils Claw, MSM and Rosehips works as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory, along with boosting the immune system and circulation. Equine Comfort Blend can be used safely as an alternative to ‘bute’ and is far less likely to cause gastric ulceration.  Not for pregnant mares.

Dosage: 30gm daily.


This is a combination of Chamomile, Vervain, Valerian, Brewers Yeast and Magnesium which helps those horses who need calming, relaxing and to assist them to not be so reactive to certain events or even just everyday life. It can help horses that are twitchy and may have ticklish skin and even those who are sensitive to insect bites or other allergens.  Not for pregnant mares.

Dosage: 1/2 to 1 cup daily or when required.


MSM, Rosehips, Garlic, Fenugreek and Seaweed all combine to help promote fast, strong, healthy hoof growth.

Dosage: 70gms daily.


This blend of Rosehips, Echinacea & Garlic is ideal for all horses, ensuring that you will be looking after your horse’s immune system and keeping it in optimum health. This combination of herbs not only boosts the immune system, but is great for the circulation, and is antiviral and antibacterial.

Dosage: 50gm daily for 3-4 weeks, then one week off and start again if required.


Echinacea, Comfrey, Calendula, Clivers, Nettles & Rosehips
Improved circulation, immune system, cell growth, antiviral & antibacterial, along with stimulating the lymphatic system and eliminating body toxins.

Dosage:  1 cup daily.


The combination of Green Lipped Mussel, Glucosamine, Shark Cartilage, MSM & Rosehips all help to reduce joint inflammation/pain, cartilage breakdown, the onset of navicular disease and acute laminitis. EPH Joint & Body Saver is also beneficial for horses that suffer from sore muscles, weak tendons and ligaments, enabling them to be more comfortable and have increased mobility.  Not for pregnant mares.

Dosage: 25gm twice daily, then 25gm for maintenance.


Slippery Elm Powder, Marshmallow, Chamomile, Licorice & Comfrey
These herbs all work to reduce inflammation of the stomach lining and help reduce the onset of gastric ulceration. Also effective for scouring and colitis, it soothes the digestive tract and helps regulate bacteria in the intestine.

Dosage:  1/2 – 1 cup daily, may be doubled in acute cases.


Rosehip, Garlic, Seaweed, Brewers Yeast, Soybean meal, Linseed Meal & Chia Seed
This is a great combination that offers all natural vitamins, trace elements, minerals along with Omega 3 & 6 and the wonder seed Chia. This will ensure your horse’s diet does not consist of synthetically manufactured minerals and vitamins which are difficult for the body to metabolise. Instead, you can guarantee quality and freshness control. You WILL notice the difference.

Dosage: 80gm daily.


Fenugreek is a great all round conditioner, especially for horses that have lost condition after being out of work or having had an illness. Great for strengthening hoof growth and giving shine to the coat.

Do not feed to pregnant mares.

Dosage:  20-30gm per day (start with a little)



French White Millet (must be cooked or crushed) is very high in Silica.  It is most beneficial in eliminating foreign wastes from the body, facilitates the action of Calcium in the body to strengthen bones and hooves, as well as conditioning hair and skin.

Dosage: 1 cup daily.


Garlic works as a natural antibiotic, antibacterial and antifungal, and is antiparasitic – deterring internal and external parasites.  Garlic contains many vitamins, amino acids, minerals, including Copper, Chromium, Molybdenum, Boron, Iron, Zinc and Selenium.  It is high in Sulphur and when ingested, enters the blood stream, cleansing it of toxins and promoting a healthier immune system to help fight off any bugs or infections.

Dosage:  1 tablespoon daily.


 Pure Green Lipped Mussel Powder may help reduce the symptoms of Arthritis, Navicular Disease, Ringbone, Low Grade Chronic Lameness, Tendonitis, as well as helping knees, hocks, fetlocks and the neck and back area.
It is a rich source of Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Omegas 3 & 6 along with essential fatty acids.
It helps to reduce wear and tear in joints as well as rebuilding cartilage and connective tissue.
Dosage (guide only): One teaspoon (5 grams) for 10 days, 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 grams) for 10 days, if you notice significant improvement, feed just 1/4 of a teaspoon as a maintenance.
This is for an average size horse of 450 kilos.  This should be adjusted according to weight e.g. double for a 900 kilo horse
Do not feed to pregnant mares.


Licorice affects the lungs, digestive tract, and liver. It is also considered a general tonic. Licorice is considered an expectorant, laxative, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and anti-ulcer herb.

Not to be fed over long periods or to pregnant mares.

Dosage:  1 teaspoon daily


Marshmallow has the ability to bind and eliminate toxins, allowing the body to cleanse itself.  Marshmallow is soothing for the entire digestive tract and is beneficial for gastric complaints such as ulcers, colitis, bloat and inflammation.  Its healing properties are also helpful for arthritis, infections and the urinary tract.  It may also help where worm infestations are apparent.

Dosage:  30gm once or twice daily in the feed.


Nettles are a circulatory herb, rich in iron and Vitamin C. They are valued for their astringent action and ability to support the circulation making them ideal for laminitis and arthritis. Use as a spring tonic, blood cleanser and conditioner. Encourages the dapples in animal’s coats.

Dosage: 1 cup 2-3 times daily.



Peppermint can be used to tempt fussy eaters and help to mask the smell of less pleasant herbs/medicines in their feed.  It eases flatulence/bloating, increases the flow of bile from the liver and relaxes both gastrointestinal spasms and tight skeletal muscles.  It can therefore be useful for the colic-prone horse or the horse who is nervous and tense when traveling.

Dosage: 1 good handful added to the feed daily.


Psyllium is high in fibre and mucilage and when combined with water it swells to many times its original size, becoming quite gelatinous.  For horses, psyllium husks have the ability to pick up sand and move it through the gut and are particularly valuable in the prevention and/or treatment of sand colic.  Most beneficial for those horses in sandy soil areas.  Diarrhoea and constipation can both be alleviated using Psyllium.

Dosage:  100gm per 100 kilo weight for 5 days.  Ensure your horse has plenty of water.



Raspberry leaf is used as an alternative to hormonal therapy for mares with oestrus problems and behavioral disturbances.  Most beneficial for mares that have had, or are likely to have, difficulty conceiving.   Raspberry is used to tone the uterine muscles, encourage easy labour, and prevent or reduce haemorrhaging during and after foaling.  May also be useful in cases of mouth ulcers, conjunctivitis and diarrhoea.

Dosage:  1 cup of dried leaf in the feed or made as a tea daily.  Stop during pregnancy and recommence the in the last three months of the term.


Rosehips are extremely high in Vitamin C as well as containing many other vitamins including Biotin.  They have a high mineral content including Copper and Cobalt.  They can be used as a general tonic and may be fed on a daily basis.  They are particularly useful after any stress, illness or injury and are beneficial for the health of the lungs and healthy hoof growth.  Rosehips are a circulatory herb and an immune system booster.

Dosage:  1-4 tablespoons daily.


Shark Cartilage (Chondroitin) offers hope and promise in reducing the symptoms associated with chronic inflammation of bone, joints, connective tissues, and other conditions. The benefits are reduction of pain and enhancement of mobility, along with decreases in joint and tendon swelling, improved general mobility and performance, improvement in skin and coat condition and increased rate of hoof growth.

Dosage:  20gms in the feed for maintenance.



Slippery Elm Bark Powder is widely used for the prevention and treatment of scouring and gut ulceration.  It is useful where mucous membranes are irritated or inflamed.  This includes membranes of the respiratory and urinary systems as well as the entire gastro-intestinal tract, including the throat and oesophagus.  It may also be used as aftercare in some types of colic.

Slippery Elm soothes and coats injured and inflamed tissues, helping them to heal and reduces the likelihood of scarring, as well as drawing out toxins and irritants.

It can be added to a moist chaff/grain feed or combined with plain yoghurt and/or honey, mashed banana or mashed pumpkin, and added to feed or syringed into the mouth.

Dosage:  2 tablespoons with enough honey to form a paste and dose orally using a needleless syringe, or 2 tablespoons mixed with 1 cup of warm water and add the mixture to the horse’s feed.


Turmeric is a delightfully scented spice with a bright yellow orange colour.  It is known for it’s anti-inflammatory qualities along with aiding the liver, arthritis, some cancers, gastric disorders and itchy skin conditions.

Research suggests feeding with some freshly ground black pepper and a little Linseed (Flax) Oil for better absorption.

Dosage:  Start with 1 dessertspoon and increase if need be.


Valerian can be used to calm all types of fractious, over anxious or nervous behavior in horses. It has been widely used to settle horses, during various types of training and in some competition. This herb may swab.

Dosage:  1-2 tablespoons daily or when required.

Some herbs may swab



Vervain has tonic, nerve restoring qualities which, combined with its ability to improve liver and digestive function, makes it well-suited to horses that are convalescing from chronic illness.  As a nervine relaxant and antispasmodic it can assist horses that are tense and sensitive by relaxing the gut, peripheral nerves and muscles. Used both internally as a feed herb and externally as a poultice. VERVAIN is antispasmodic, nervine, tonic, hepatic (supporting and stimulating the liver), galactogogue, diaphoretic (promotes sweating), sedative/relaxant.  Do not administer to pregnant mares.

Dosage:  1 good handful daily when required.

Some herbs may swab.

STORAGE OF HERBS & SUPPLEMENTS:  Herbs & supplements are best stored in individual airtight containers away from direct light.  They should ideally be kept in a cool, dark place.  If buying in bulk, decant what you need for a week and put in a small airtight container – keep the remainder in the sealed bag and place in an airtight tub.    Some herbs may swab.